Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
2SCREENS.ZIP | Yes | 7230 | 11/1/1993 | 2-Screens 1.0 is a TSR which allows you to save a text screen and pop it up for viewing later. This could be very useful in referring back to directory listings, program documentation, etc. (Wayne Robbins) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
BIG_123.ZIP | Yes | 32538 | 1/30/1991 | Big-123 1.0 is a 30k TSR screen magnifier for Lotus 1-2-3 versions 1A, 2.01, 2.2, and, with some restrictions, version 3.0 of 1-2-3. It enlarges parts of the screen appropriate to the context. (Hexagon Products) (Reg.Fee: $39) |
BIGLTR.ZIP | Yes | 20166 | 6/4/1989 | BigLtr 1.0 duplicates each keystroke you make in a large font in a horizontally scrolling line across the bottom of the screen. This should be a real boon for people with impaired vision. The display can be toggled off and on without leaving your program. Since BigLtr takes up several lines at the bottom of the screen for displaying text, it will work only with programs that do not use those lines. The on-disk documentation tells how to patch WordStar 3.3 and 4.0 and WordPerfect 5.0 so that they will not use those lines. The default for BigLtr causes the display to lag what is being typed by a letter, which we found to be confusing when testing it. The documentation tells you how to change to an "immediate" display. res:5k (Dr. Masaaki Sawada) (Reg.Fee: $10-$20) |
BIGUTIL.ZIP | Yes | 129160 | 3/10/1994 | Big Utilities displays text on your screen in a large graphic font. (A mono version is also included.) You can adjust the magnification to suit your needs. When you press escape, the original text mode screen is restored so that you can continue to make entries via the keyboard. (Jack L. Bellamy) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
BLANK.ZIP | Yes | 9984 | 1/14/1994 | Blank 1.0 will blank the computer screen by a command entered at the DOS prompt or by a set of hot keys when used as a 26k TSR. (Ray Dittmeier) (Reg.Fee: $7) |
BLANKIT.ZIP | Yes | 86093 | 3/6/1994 | Blank-It 5.1b is a 1k TSR screen blanking program. It works on all types of video systems and in graphics as well as text modes. It allows screen blanking on demand and will blank characters written to the screen while the screen is in the blanked mode. Other features include hotkey support, Windows compatibility, and more. Also included is APIBlank, a sample program with source code that controls Blank-It via the Blank-It API. (Eric G. Robichaud) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
BLNK_ET.ZIP | Yes | 6275 | 8/18/1991 | Blank is a 500-byte TSR that blanks the screen (VGA only) after a specified period of keyboard or (serial) mouse inactivity. (Eric Tauck) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
BLOOK.ZIP | Yes | 24174 | 12/19/1989 | BLook 2.0 is a large-print text file reading program. Using the cursor keys, you can scroll or page back and forth through the file to read it. Since lines will be longer than the screen in the enlarged modes, you can move a screen at a time or jump to either end of a line with the function keys. Blook is handy for the vision impaired or for doing demos for a group. (Hexagon Products) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
BPOP.ZIP | Yes | 85825 | 3/10/1994 | BPop lets you magnify text screens while in any program. In the enlarged mode, the characters on the screen no longer fit on the screen, so you use the cursor keys to scroll around. This utility is ideal for the vision-impaired or for use on laptops or presentations where large print is helpful. With CGA or better graphics, you can choose from several different font sizes. A text search capability is included. (Hexagon Products) (Reg.Fee: $27) |
BTYPE.ZIP | Yes | 20770 | 12/19/1989 | BType 2.0 is a large-character replacement for DOS's TYPE command. It differs from Blook in that it can read any size file and it cannot page or scroll back through text that has scrolled off the screen. (Hexagon Products) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
BURNOUT.ZIP | Yes | 15414 | 5/29/1989 | Burnout II is a screen blanker for all video cards. It will blank EGA and VGA cards in any mode, including the 43-line mode, and it will not affect communications as some screen-blanking utilities do. It will also blank the screen on demand by hitting a hot key. (Christopher J. Dunford) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CBEEP.ZIP | Yes | 13386 | 1/31/1993 | Cbeep 1.4 allows you to replace the usual system beep sounds with a visual flash of selectable size and duration. (Swift-Ware) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CLX.ZIP | Yes | 1769 | 4/29/1990 | CLX 2A is a 1k TSR that intercepts a CLS and clears the screen in a fancy way. May not work on some mono monitors. (Randolph Beck) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
COLAP.ZIP | Yes | 6123 | 10/27/1992 | CoLap 1.0 allows you to adjust the contrast and brightness on laptop computers to a greater extent than the manual controls. CoLap is a 1.5k TSR. You can adjust the brightness by holding down RightShift and pressing the up or down cursor keys. CoLap works by adjusting the VGA palette and can also be used on desktops. (Eric Meyer) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CONCOPY.ZIP | Yes | 6286 | 7/22/1992 | ConCopy 1.50 captures screen writing in a disk file at the same you are able to view it on the screen. This does not work for programs that write directly to video memory, which many programs do, but ConCopy should still prove very useful for many applications. (Christopher J. Dunford) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CUTPAST.ZIP | Yes | 15149 | 6/22/1989 | CutPaste 5 is a resident utility that lets you "cut" information from a screen and "paste" it into another program as if entering the information from the keyboard. Among the features are the ability to move the cursor a word at a time when marking a "box" to cut. This saves a LOT of time and aggravation compared to those that require you to move a character at a time. This ability also carries over to your application program if it does not already allow you to move a word at a time. Support is included for enhanced keyboards. TSR: 6k. Assembler source included. (Gerry Boyd) (Reg.Fee: $eiss, La) |
DCFG.ZIP | Yes | 50341 | 2/8/1992 | Dirt Cheap Frame Grabber 2.03 provides plans for building an interface for grabbing video from your TV or VCR Requires only a few parts and the printer port. (Michael Day) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DECEIVE.ZIP | Yes | 11625 | 5/29/1989 | Deceive lets you capture a screen and pop it up with a keypress while in another program. Aside from popping up spreadsheet screens over games when the boss walks by, it can be used to pop up help screens or for reference to any other screens that you capture on the fly. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DUMPY.ZIP | Yes | 10252 | 5/29/1989 | Dumpy captures text screens from other programs and lets you replay them later in slide-show fashion. It should work with most video cards. (res:<1k) (Michael Allen) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
EGACAM.ZIP | Yes | 6233 | 5/29/1989 | EgaCam lets you save text or graphics screens from an EGA monitor to a disk file. (SML Services, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
EGASAVE.ZIP | Yes | 3582 | 5/29/1989 | Scrnsave 2.1 is a 1k TSR screen-blanking utility for the EGA and VGA. Features include a timeout interval which can be set from the command line and immediate screen blanking by pressing a hotkey. (Brian O'Neill) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
EXPLOGO.ZIP | Yes | 87256 | 3/6/1994 | Explosiv Logo lets you turn any 16-color GIF file into a pop-up screen saver. DOS and Windows versions and some sample GIFs are included. A screen capture utility is also provided. EGA/VGA required. (Reidar Gresseth) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
FASTDMP.ZIP | Yes | 15826 | 5/13/1990 | FastDump 1.1 is a fast 7k TSR screen dump program which supports CGA, EGA, VGA, Hercules and text screens. It supports Epson and IBM Proprinter dot matrix and HP LaserJet compatible printers. Output can be landscape (1 to a page) or portrait (1, 2, or 3 to a page). Alternatively, the output can be directed to a file. (Systems Technology, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $10-$20) |
FFEED.ZIP | Yes | 196 | 8/10/1994 | Ffeed is a resident utility that adds a form feed at the end of a screen dump so that you don't have to manually eject the paper. To give you the choice, this only works if you do a screen dump using the shift key on the right side of the keyboard. |
FLASH2.ZIP | Yes | 9418 | 5/29/1989 | Flash2 lets you save up to two screens at any time and call them back up for viewing at any time. (Sidney Hack) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
FLIPPAGE.ZIP | Yes | 1404 | 5/29/1989 | Flippage lets you flip between two video "pages" while working from DOS. This is especially useful when you need to save a screen of information to refer back to, such as a directory listing. You can issue copy, delete, compile or other commands on one "page" and then flip the other "page" back up to see the list again. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
FMANIA.ZIP | Yes | 89740 | 2/14/1994 | Fractal Mania 1.2 is a 7K TSR screen saver that displays animated fractal scenes. It pops-up over text or graphics and supports 256-color graphics. Requires a hard disk and VGA. (William P. Mann) (Reg.Fee: $17) |
FSSS.ZIP | Yes | 17922 | 8/17/1991 | FractalSave Screen Saver 1.0 is a 19k TSR screen saver utility based on the popular FractalWeave program. It works with all monitor types. (James H. Price) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
GRAB4.ZIP | Yes | 37378 | 10/28/1991 | Grab4 1.3 is a 30K TSR that lets you save text mode screens in their exact state, including screen colors. You can capture up to four screens in memory, and they can be saved to disk as COM files. Screens are easily recalled, and can be altered in the edit mode. (William Cravener) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
ITALK.ZIP | Yes | 27570 | 12/9/1992 | ITALK is a talking screen blanker. An animated pair of blinking eyes appears on your screen and if someone tampers with your keyboard, one of four digitized messages is spoken through the PC's speaker. (Swift-Ware) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
KUTSGLUE.ZIP | Yes | 22266 | 6/2/1990 | KutsGlue 1.2 is a 6k-46k TSR cut and paste utility that allows each line in the block to be cut to a different length. It also supports up to 50-line video modes. In general, it works like most cut and pasters, but as you move down the right side of the screen marking the area to be cut, you are not constrained to a rectangle. You can move the cursor left/right as you go to change the length for each line. The buffer can be set to hold from 1k to 40k. (Dr. Masaaki Sawada) (Reg.Fee: $10-$20) |
LCSRITE.ZIP | Yes | 3709 | 5/29/1989 | LCsrite is a 1k TSR which lets you write on the screen temporarily without affecting the program you are in or its data. The text you write will remain on the screen until your program overwrites it or the screen clears. This can be handy for making temporary notes. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
LINESET.ZIP | Yes | 1828 | 5/29/1989 | Lineset is a text file that shows the IBM line drawing character set in a box format that makes it easy to find the desired character code. The chart is followed by a complete ASCII table in character number order. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
LQVGA.ZIP | Yes | 44241 | 8/10/1994 | LQVGA 1.78 is a 18K TSR that allows you to print any VGA or Super VGA screen to an Epson, Canon Bubble Jet, IBM Graphics printer or compatible printer. It will print even hi-res and 256-color screens. (Ares Technologies) (Reg.Fee: $14-54) |
MAGNIFY.ZIP | Yes | 23585 | 9/4/1991 | The Magnify System 2.0 is a set of programs that double the size of the characters on all or part of a text screen. Included is a big-character file-viewing utility. Requires EGA/VGA. (Patrick Swayne) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MYSPCH.ZIP | Yes | 4387 | 1/25/1992 | MySpeech 1.3 is a 2K TSR which reads keystrokes and speaks them through the Covox Speech Thing. This program is available on the Speech Thing Programs disk #9013, which can be ordered for $5, but is given free when you purchase a Speech Thing. (Norman Newman) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
NABBIT.ZIP | Yes | 14944 | 5/7/1992 | Nabbit 1.7 is a 2K TSR that lets you grab ASCII characters off your screen and insert them into other programs through the keyboard buffer whenever you press the Insert hot key. This is an easy way to transfer data between programs. You may also send captured data to your printer to print envelopes, labels, or partial screen dumps. (RSE, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $11) |
NOYB.ZIP | Yes | 2288 | 5/29/1989 | None Of Your Business lets you blank out the screen by pressing a key combination. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
PCIMAGE.ZIP | Yes | 58128 | 5/7/1992 | PC-Images 1.8 allows you to capture images from your screen and group them into carousels which can be run without the program. You can create pop-up slide shows or use a carousel as a screen saver. (RSE, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
PCP.ZIP | Yes | 14251 | 2/11/1990 | Print Control Program 2.0 is a 12k pop-up printer control utility that offers more flexible print-screen functions, such as printing only selected portions of the screen, printing high-intensity text in bold, and more. It can be set up to work with any printer. (Blanchard Software) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
PCXDUMP.ZIP | Yes | 121126 | 11/5/1993 | PCXDump 9.1 is a 9K TSR that saves graphic screen to a disk file in PCX format. PCX files can be loaded into almost any program that supports graphics. PCXDump supports a large number of SuperVGA controllers. Other features include a menu-controlled interface, greyscale support, virtual screen support, automatic timed screen captures, hotkey options, split-screen capture support, a PCX file-viewing utility, and much more. EGA/VGA required. (Jesper Frandsen) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
PHANSCRN.ZIP | Yes | 335947 | 3/6/1994 | PhantomScreen 1.2b At last, there is a shareware screen saver for DOS to rival those for Windows. PhantomScreen lets you choose from a list of displays, including aquarium, aircraft, clocks, dinosaurs (a little gross, people in their way are picked up and eaten), "windshield wipers" (also a little gross, bugs come flying towards the screen where they splatter and are then wiped away by the windshield wipers), and many more. You can also import PCX images of up to 1024x768x256 colors. A control box lets you select and preview screen savers. Requires a hard disk and 640K RAM. (NeoSoft Corp.) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
PS2VID.ZIP | Yes | 2758 | 5/29/1989 | PS2VID will allow you to change your video mode on a PS2. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
PTSCR43.ZIP | Yes | 1224 | 1/16/1993 | PrtScr prints all 43/50 lines on an EGA/VGA display, unlike the standard BIOS which only prints 25 lines. (Jim Vaughan) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PUSHPOP.ZIP | Yes | 4163 | 6/25/1986 | PushPop will save screens and let you view them later, including changing screen colors. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
QUIXX.ZIP | Yes | 29465 | 2/25/1992 | Quixx 3.0 is a TSR screen blanker with a graphics display of moving, colored lines. It makes use of Expanded Memory if available. A starfield display is also available. (Jonathan Kraidin) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
READIT.ZIP | Yes | 52735 | 5/19/1991 | ReadIt 1.5 is a text file display/reading program written by a blind computer programmer who uses a text-to-speech software package to access computers. This file reader has many features found in other file viewing utilities and is easy to use for both sighted people and persons using speech software and synthesizers. The speech features which are important for those that cannot view the screen include an automatic line wrap feature so lines are not broken in the middle of words and error messages have a tone. (DLJ Software) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
REVID.ZIP | Yes | 2440 | 3/15/1994 | Reset Video resets your video back to normal text mode. When testing programs, we are sometimes left with no cursor or a black-on-black screen or with some illegible EGA/VGA font, etc. Most of the time, typing MODE 80 will get things back to normal, but if you're in some strange graphics mode, MODE won't work and this one will. (Nelson Ford) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SCP103.ZIP | Yes | 269877 | 12/14/1993 | SC&P 1.03 captures text mode screens and converts them to bitmapped graphics. This allows you to do print-outs that have all the color and attributes that appeared on the screen, rather than just a straight ASCII printout. Screens can be printed to HP laser printers, PCX, TIF or Ventura IMG graphic files. Plain text files can be produced. The entire screen can be printed or just a portion. Reproduction of a screen may be changed in terms of attributes and height/width ratio. (Christopher J. Noyes) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
SCRNSHO.ZIP | Yes | 45794 | 2/13/1992 | ScrnSho 2.0 is a TSR screen capture utility and a display system for most text and graphics modes for CGA, EGA, and VGA. Once displayed, you can change the EGA/VGA palette or print the screen to Epson or HP LaserJet printers. Captured screens can now be saved in PCX format for importation into other programs. Other features include a disk file save option and help screens. (Alan J. Fridlund) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
SCRSAVE2.ZIP | Yes | 1429 | 5/29/1989 | Scrsave2 is a screen blanking utility that checks the status of the key lock on AT's and compatibles and only blanks the screen if the key is in the LOCK position. This gives you more control over the blanking than those programs that blank the screen after a certain number of minutes. (Joseph J. Cracchiolo) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
SCSV.ZIP | Yes | 121676 | 10/4/1993 | Screen Saver 5.14 blanks the screen on demand or after a specified period of system inactivity. (Tom Donnelly) (Reg.Fee: $23) |
SDUMP.ZIP | Yes | 602 | 8/10/1994 | SDump allows you to do a PrtSc (print a screen) to a file instead of to a printer. (Christopher J. Dunford) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SEEBEEP.ZIP | Yes | 4138 | 12/25/1990 | SeeBeep is a 4K TSR that replaces the system beep with a visual indication. This is particularly useful for hearing impaired user, as well as for those who need to run programs quietly. (William Cravener) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SETV.ZIP | Yes | 3386 | 3/6/1991 | Setv 1.2 enables Multisync or normal VGA video equipment to make use of five major video text modes. (Bob Eyer) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SHOLOGO.ZIP | Yes | 60370 | 10/31/1991 | ShowLogo 1.0 is a 6.8k TSR screen saver that displays your logo or other PCX file. It monitors the keyboard, mouse and parallel ports and blanks the screen after a specified period of inactivity. It supports 25, 43 and 50 line color displays and EGA/VGA graphics. Optionally, instead of blanking the screen, it can lock your system until you enter a password. Hot keys let you temporarily disable it or blank the screen at will. It also offers the option of displaying a user-specified, five-line message instead of the graphics. (William P. Mann) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
SHOWME.ZIP | Yes | 240742 | 11/12/1993 | ShowMe Saver 4.00 is a screen saver which displays a randomly changing graphic image while showing a message of your choice. (Harold Schwartz) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
SIZEIT.ZIP | Yes | 4009 | 5/29/1989 | Sizeit puts a movable ruler on the screen so that you can easily figure the column number of data on the screen. It also has a vertical so that you can determine row number. For good measure, the numbers for the current row and column are displayed at the bottom of the screen. (Douglas C. Fretz) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SNAPSHOT.ZIP | Yes | 1084 | 8/10/1994 | Snapshot will capture a screen into a BLOADable file. (That is a file format used by BASIC and some other programs.) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
SNIP.ZIP | Yes | 3570 | 5/29/1989 | Snip lets you capture a part of a screen, such as a column of numbers, and dump it to printer, disk file, or another location ("pasting") or deleted or filled with blanks, etc. (res:4k) (Gunner Richwell) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
SOS.ZIP | Yes | 12830 | 5/29/1989 | Speedy Operating System 3.1 is a Program Manager replacement system for Windows. (Jim Townsend) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SPARKS.ZIP | Yes | 4425 | 8/10/1994 | Sparks 901123 is an 8k TSR screen saver program for EGA/VGA that blanks the screen after a specified period of inactivity and puts on a graphics fireworks show. Blanking on demand is available at the press of a key as well. (William D. Hause) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
SPRINT.ZIP | Yes | 1972 | 5/29/1989 | Sprint speeds up Print-Screen, optionally adds a line-feed, substitutes a period for unprintable characters and more. |
SPS.ZIP | Yes | 3980 | 5/29/1989 | SPS 1.3 is a 1.5k TSR which allows you to print selected portions of the screen. (Paul Troiano) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
STARSVR.ZIP | Yes | 24389 | 6/27/1992 | StarSvr is 44k TSR screen saver that displays the stars in the Milky Way. The user can adjust the speed, density, colors and timer options. It also lets you blank the screen on demand. Unlike displays where all the stars appear to streak towards you, there is little activity in this one other than the winking on and off of the stars and an occasional streak of a star or comet or something. (Lead Dog Computer Services) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
STICKS.ZIP | Yes | 4927 | 1/23/1992 | Sticks 920125 is an 8K TSR screen saver with a kaleidoscope graphics display. Requires EGA/VGA. (William D. Hause) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
TCAP.ZIP | Yes | 41370 | 12/21/1989 | TCap 1.01 is a TSR (10k) text screen capture utility that saves to disk. Another utility in the set, SHOW, will let you view and print the files or convert them to text or binary for use in other programs. (J. P. McLain) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TDSNAP.ZIP | Yes | 24037 | 5/29/1989 | TdSnap captures a "snapshot" of a screen and adds it to a specified capture file. (Jim Standley) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
TELEPORT.ZIP | Yes | 10279 | 5/29/1989 | Teleport is a 41k TSR which can capture, re-display, edit and save to text files up to four different screens of data at once and displaying them simultaneously. Four captured screens can be viewed at once via four windows which can be individually scrolled, or you can zoom one window up to full size. The author is no longer at the address listed in the documentation. (David Kahan) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
TEXTBUF.ZIP | Yes | 31859 | 8/11/1987 | TextBuf is a multi-featured utility that lets you capture data from the screen and "paste" it into another program. Among its features are the ability to copy columns of text; to copy non-adjacent parts of the screen; to paste all the text at once or a line at a time; to edit or print text you have captured; and to even use the capture buffer area and editor as a quick-and-dirty word processor. (Gary Chapman) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
TSCREEN.ZIP | Yes | 14699 | 6/2/1991 | ThunderScreen 2.21 is a 52k pop up video utility that will let you change cursor size, set border color, blank the screen, do a warm boot, and display free disk space and video modes. It will toggle between 25- and 43-line video modes on EGA/VGA. (Josh Reznick) (Reg.Fee: $7) |
TSHOT.ZIP | Yes | 27030 | 12/13/1993 | Textshot 3.1 is a 20K TSR that saves images of any 80-column text screen to monochrome PCX format. It supports all common video standards. Features include image clipping, switchable fonts, image inversion and color patterns. (Craig McAdams) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
TT161.ZIP | Yes | 462574 | 4/22/1994 | Tinytalk Personal 1.61 serves as a screen reader and adds speech to many application programs. (OMS Development) (Reg.Fee: $75) |
UNIVBE42.ZIP | Yes | 59678 | 11/4/1993 | UNIVBE 1.2v4.2 is a TSR which extends the video BIOS of SuperVGA video cards to make them VESA compatible. (SciTech Software) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
UNIVESA.ZIP | Yes | 11167 | 3/3/1993 | The Universal VESA TSR extends the video BIOS routines of superVGA video cards to make them VESA compatible. Requires a 386 or better. (Kendall Bennett) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
VGAPAL40.ZIP | Yes | 30974 | 4/28/1994 | VGAPal - MD 4.0 creates a 2K TSR that maintains your preferred color scheme for DOS. (Malcolm Drury) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
VGARAM.ZIP | Yes | 8026 | 10/15/1990 | VGARam 1.0 lets you convert up to 96K of RAM on your VGA (and many EGAs) video adapter into usable DOS RAM. When active, it disables EGA/VGA graphics. It can be temporarily disabled when you need EGA/VGA graphics and later reactivated. (Brett Warthen) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
VGASCR.ZIP | Yes | 5829 | 5/29/1989 | VGA Screen Saver lets you capture VGA and MCGA screens in a MCGA 256 color mode and save the screen in a bloadable format. (Lawrence & Gozum, Marvin MD Gozum) (Reg.Fee: $9) |
WINPRINT.ZIP | Yes | 11030 | 5/29/1989 | WinPrint 1.5 allows you to quickly and easily print screens in Windows. (Christopher Riley) (Reg.Fee: $5) |